Independent review of the ActiveSpeed
Sander Roosendaal, founder of the rowing analytics site rowsandall.com takes a deep dive into the ActiveSpeed.

Built in Coach Link
When the supplied antennas are fitted data being monitored by a rower’s ActiveSpeed can be displayed on a coach’s unit. It is also possible to link to an additional five ActiveSpeeds, which the coach can then view the data from by pressing a single button.
The transmission range is at least 200 metres, but is generally significantly more.
In the future it will be possible to link multiple ActiveSpeeds to a tablet, using an Active Tools router/data storage unit, so that data from more than one unit can be viewed simultaneously. This will include output from our RapidFit Coaching and Data Oarlocks.

Programmable Workouts
Both simple and complex workouts can be set up and stored on your ActiveSpeed, and the key features are:
• You can programme both work and rest periods in strokes, distance, or time
and you have the option of carrying on recording heart rate during rest periods.
• Workouts can have delayed timing starts both on initial start-up and at the end of rest periods.
• You can set ‘undefined length’ rest periods in workouts to accommodate factors such as river traffic, having to turn, etc.
• Standing start pieces begin when the ActiveSpeed senses the first boat movement. The display then flashes when it sees you ‘wind down’ at the end of a piece, or the end of a race, and if you press the main button within 20 seconds the timer jumps back to the time it saw you wind down.
• You can set up to twenty five custom workouts and six of these can be stored in a smaller Favourite’s menu for easy access.
• You can also specify a target range within workouts for either heart rate, speed or stroke rate and the unit will highlight when you are outside the set range.

Custom Backlit Display
To maximise its size we tooled our own display on which you can view two, four or six data fields and quickly configure, and save, screens to suit different activities. You can create up to six screen layouts under each of the headings ‘Training’, ‘Racing’ and Power’.
Each field can be set to show any parameter, or be left blank, and they can all be reversed to highlight key metrics.

Easy Data Transfer via App
Our DataFlow app is available for both iOS and Android and allows easy data transfer to RoweRS, Rowsandall, Training Peaks, Strava, Golden Cheetah, etc. This includes both performance data and the tracks of the courses you steered.
You can then review and analyse both your on-water workouts and any land-based ones you have transferred to these sites.
The app also lets you update the firmware on your ActiveSpeed and in the future it will let you see, and analyse, data and force curves from our RapidFit Coaching and Data oarlocks

Optional Accessories
All the accessories that work with the ActiveSpeed are wireless.
• Heart Rate Strap, the ActiveSpeed works with most standard Bluetooth heart rate straps.
• Impeller, our Impeller design was optimised using Computational Fluid Dynamics and its drag matches the alternatives that are available while being more robust. However, all Impellers create significant drag so we recommend that they are only used for training and are removed for racing.
• Heel Switch, this is an optional accessory that connects between the heel restraint tie points on your shoes and allows rolling start pieces to be timed by simply moving your heels apart. (Patent Nos. US7452252B2 and GB2427591B)
• RapidFit Coaching and Data Oarlocks, when they become available it will be possible to pair these to the ActiveSpeed. They can be moved between boats in under a minute and heights can be quickly adjusted using standard clips. Pitches can also be set in the usual way. (Patent Pending)
Size 103x74x35mm (4.0x2.9x1.4”) without antenna.
Weight 187 grams (6.6 ounces) without antenna.
Display Custom LCD Display with automatic LED Backlight.
Mouldings Main Unit: Toughened Acrylic and PC/ABS Bumper: Silicone Rubber.
GPS 10Hz GPS module using the GPS, Glonass and Galileo Satellite networks.
Speed/Split Can be displayed as either Speed (meters per second) or Split (time for 500 meters). GPS speed can be smoothed over 2 - 8 strokes and can be Stream Compensated.
Stroke Rate 10-55 per minute, rate input from accelerometer.
Timing 0-99:59:59
Memory Stores data every stroke
(time/rate/check/speed/distance/distance per stroke/heart rate) .Distance Metres/Miles/Kilometers
Check Factor Derived from averaging the boat decelerations during each stroke and then rate compensated.
Data Transfer Via DataFlow app for iOS and Android.
Odometer Weekly, monthly, annual and lifetime totals.
Compliance & Durability
Waterproof IP67 and NEMA-6.
EMC Fully tested and compliant.
Impact Will survive repeated drops onto concrete from 1.5m/4ft.
Buoyancy Does not float, so use the float provided if this concerns you. Please also note that even with the float fitted the unit will sink if attached to the silicone strap mounting bracket.
Specification 5.5 Wh 1500 mAh Lithium Polymer Battery.
Life Typically 12 hours but this reduces to 6 hours when the Coach Link is enabled. The battery is user replacable when it eventually needs replacing.
Charging time 3 hours with 500mA charger.
2 Years.
Additional Information
Instruction Videos
Check Factor Explained
While some variation in boat speed during the stroke is unavoidable it has been shown that minimising this check results in faster race times. So that you can monitor this, the CoxOrb unit displays a Check Factor which is averaged over two strokes and is calculated from the average boat deceleration during each stroke. This is then adjusted for rate as Check inevitably goes up as the rate increases.
Check values do vary with crew weight and boat type, but as a general guide we see figures of around 35 to 40 for the best crews at race pace increasing to 60 or 70 for less experienced rowers.
Rather than monitoring Check continuously we suggest tracking it over time and using it to assess improvements made due to changes in technique - you will find that reducing Check in a given crew leads to substantially improved boat speeds.
Continuous Improvement
We are always looking to make improvements so welcome any further suggestions!